Hospital Day 4: First Visitors

15 Sep 2011

Another restless night, but a little better than the night before. The morning visit by the doctors confirmed that today I was on 4 x 50ml of liquids.

I had the IV from the back of my left hand removed as it was not working too well (some was going into the vein, but some was leaking into the tissue and my wrist was swelling slightly). I took the opportunity later to ask for the IV in my right forearm to be removed, as this was causing pain if I bent that arm more than 45 degrees. So that only left one IV, in the back of my right hand, and I felt much freer. The drainage tube and bag was never an hindrance

I found that two of my 50ml 'drinks' were in fact clear vegetable soup, which was very delicious.

In the evening I was visited by two colleagues from work (my family is in England as my children prepare for their examinations). One of my visitors is a computer expert and he got my mobile phone connected to the Internet. I had been paying for that service in my plan, but never had it working, because I couldn't read the complicated German instructions, and I tended to use its wi-fi function to connect instead whenever free wi-fi was available. So I was able to send a brief message to the thinner times forum, to inform them that the op went well and I was doing OK.

We had a few laughs and after about 90 minutes they left to find a restaurant, as they had come straight from work. Another colleague who had hoped to come with them phoned to say she was sorry she couldn't come, but offered to take me home when I was discharged on Saturday.

A very pleasant day.

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