Week 6

Went for my first follow-up last week. There was less tests than I imagined, but as I was not reporting any problems I guess they only do tests relevant to any reported symptoms. The doctor reported that the ultrasound looked good.

While waiting for this appointment I had some lunch in the hospital cafe. The only thing that looked like it could be eaten (by me) was a meatball. Unfortunately it blocked me up, and while talking to the doctor in the consultation room I threw it up, fortunately I got to the sink in time. That is the only time so far that I felt like being sick, and had a wave of nausea. I have thrown up before, but intentionally to relieve heartburn, never involuntary, as was the case here.

The doctor gave me a 'Fit for Work' certificate, from the following Monday, and on that Monday I returned to work after an absence of 6 weeks. The doctor advised that I might feel weak and tired, and if so to make it just half days for the first week back. I have managed to complete the first two days back, without the need for half-day working, so I am hoping to complete the rest of the week OK (there is only so much Cookery, Renovating Homes and Antiques programs one man can stand, and that is all daytime TV consists of in the UK).

I did have some questions prepared for the doctor:

Q1. I have a little Appointment passport, and in it it says: Omprazol 40mg 0-0-1 6 weeks. What does this mean?
A1. Omprazol is a proton pump inhibitor, basically you take 40mg per day, for the first 6 weeks after surgery, to stop excess acid, and makes your tummy more comfortable, especially after sleep. I admitted that I had not been taking it.(I crossed Q2 about sour tummy after sleeping off my list!).

Q3. What about various medicines? Do I have to crush pills etc, and always have to have chewable multivitamins?
A3. No, you can take pills and capsules whole now, with a little water.

Q4. I have had the mother of all gout attacks over the last two weeks. Will gout definitely be solved after I reach my target weight?
A4. Yes. It is the rapid weight-loss that triggers the body into over-production of uric acid, which brings on the gout. When your weight has stabilised gout attacks should diminish considerably from what you have been used to in the past, and may disappear completely.

Q5. About my 'old' tummy. Can it still get ulcers, or bleed after taking NSAIDs? And if so, how do I tell which tummy is reporting discomfort?
A5. Yes, your old tummy can still get ulcers and bleed, that is why it is so important to avoid bleeding, as your old tummy cannot be viewed with an endoscope, and the only way to sometimes to view any damage is by opening you up with surgery.

Q6. So the use of NSAIDs to alleviate my gout is not possible then? (I specifically mentioned Indomethacine).
A6. You can take NSAIDs, but only the recommended dose, and only for the minimum time possible, and no more, and only in combination with a Proton Pump Inhibitor, such as Omprazol, mentioned earlier.

I felt much relieved after this Q&A session.

My current weight today is 107.0Kg (235.9lb, or 16st 12lb), so that is a loss of 2.2Kg this week.

107Kg BMI 35.34


1 comment:

  1. Forgot to mention, the gout has now subsided completely.
