Hospital Day 6: Discharge

17 Sep 2011

For some reason, and despite being entirely attachment free, I did not sleep well. I wasn't thinking about anything in particular, just one of those nights.

I got up at 6am, and did some corridor perambulations. At 7am I had a glorious shower. I called the nurse so I could ask her to change the dressings,  and was amazed when she came in the room bringing the dressings with her! Apparently she had come in while I was in the shower to take my bood-pressure, and knew I would need my dressings changed afterwards. Smart these Germans :)

I had breakfast and for a change I had a thin milky pudding, tasting of apple. Very nice. I ditched the fennel tea, and had some water.

The doctor came round at 9:30am and asked me if I still felt OK to go home, I said I was, and he told me my tests all checked out, so he was happy for me to go home. There was no documentation to complete (I had been given my sicknote for my company saying that I had been admitted on the 12th September for major abdominal surgery, and that I was unft for work until further notice. They just gave me a sheet with my follow-up appointments, the first being on the 19th October, when they would check the healing of wounds, the internal healing, and they do this by pumping your stomach with a pressurised special liquid (which I am guessing has some barium in it) and do some X-Ray scans to see if there are any signs of leakage. They will also check if  I am coping with my new stomach and interpreting the signs right (you may vomit, or have diarrhea, or get it right), and whether I have built my strength back up. If all is well I will get a Fit for Work note.

When they left I phoned my work colleague who then came to pick me up and take me home. When home she read my eating plan and then kindly offered to go to the nearby supermarket with me to get all my Phase 1 supplies, carefully reading the German food content labels for me. She left after another hour, and now I was home alone.

There was definitely going to be new times ahead.

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