Week 24: Pasta

This past week saw my first experiments with pasta, post-op.

Early in the week there was (beef) lasagne on the canteen menu, so I decided it was time to try a little. I am pleased to report that it went down no problem at all. A couple of days later I went to the local Italian restaurant with my work colleagues, intending just to have the tomato soup with basil, but when I saw them doing fresh ravioli, and only in small portions, (about 6 or 7 pieces), I thought I would give it a try. Glad to say that that went down no problem either.

Yesterday wasn't so good, however. I tried a small sliced egg roll for breakfast. Now for those of you that have been around in Germany you will know that the German bread tends to be quite hard and crispy on the outside, and makes quite a mess with crumbs on your table when you have finished one of their rolls. I really chewed the roll, the sliced boiled egg and tomato inside made it not quite so dry, but when I had finished I had a lot of indigestion. It didn't get stuck, but I was burping and belching all day after that, and into the evening, and I still felt bloated and had bad indigestion today.

My op scars are quite faded now, very pleased with the way they have turned out.

So, back to the weight. Today I weighed 93.4Kg (14st 10.4lb, or 206.5lb, that's a net loss of 32.1Kg (just over 5 stone 0.8lb, or 70.8lbs), and 0.0Kg loss since last week :( 

Is the plateau back?

Here are the progress photos:

93.4Kg BMI 30.85


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